Thursday, May 22, 2008

the power of CHOICE.....

I remember long time back I had gone to an “Art of Living” workshop during my MBA days, actively trying to hide the fact from my friends that I had been there. If the news got out – I could have faced ridicule amongst my friends group I had thought. Now the entire fact has shrunk to a point that now I am, or rather would be proud if I could proclaim the same act repeated by me again.

Going back then - it was a very powerful workshop, full of so much useful information, and insights into various aspects of life, intentions, manifesting and of course the art of living. I definitely learned a lot but I also felt like I’m was getting to a point that because of the amount of information that I constantly fed myself, the kind of interactions I had with people but at the end I always felt there was something lacking in my life and that I was not learning anything new, anymore.

Well what seemed like a load of trash coming out from an equally weird looking (read calm) person in front of me – these days I look back with a change in heart for the same. Well there have been numerous changes in the last one year of my life – family troubles, change in my job, my marriage and moving to a new city and starting afresh. I too have brought about a lot of changes in my life of late – and the fact has made me realize that it was time enough and I had in fact began the art of practicing. In many ways I felt flooded with information and emotions galore – living life in a new way and actually enjoying it. Actually, let me change that word flooded to overflowing instead, and now all that’s left is simply putting it into practice consistently on a day to day, moment to moment basis.

With every interaction with people and life there is an opportunity to practice the art of living that life – that promises a lot more. With every new event there is an opportunity to practice and put in use the principles one upholds in life. Often the trick is remembering to practice and not letting old habits take the wheel so to speak. That is the battle - it’s an art of war against my old habits with my new ways of thinking.

I guess I have tried to see every moment as an opportunity to practice the fine art of living and therefore slowly but surely growing happy and being better prepared to make the most of life. That I guess is the power of choice.

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