Monday, March 10, 2008

who wants to be a millionaire.....errr

What is soul searching? These days some of my friends are into soul searching. I listen carefully to their versions but never understood what it is all about. One of my friends’s said it is about finding what you really want in life. I feel that if I try too hard to find out what makes me happy and if I cannot get it I will be unhappy.

So basically I guess I am searching for unhappiness.

Yahoo claimed that it has come up with a soul-search engine some time back. They declare that it would help users find what’s deep inside them. I don’t think I am ready to use it to find out what I really want. I feel that as a married man and a family I have some responsibilities. I feel that it is selfish to neglect my loved ones who are dependent on me to find out my real passions.

Firstly the process requires lot of thinking leading to emotional trauma which I am not sure if I can take it with a full time job, and a family. I guess I should take a break from my job and let go of my responsibilities to pursue some thing which I am not sure of. But at the end of it say I found out that I really love to do a certain something which will not fit into my day with my current responsibilities then what? I will be disappointed and that will affect my daily routine.

Then I thought may be I can start soul searching once family is well settled, my wife settles down with her job and I can finally spare some time. But that is optimistic thinking because who knows what is in store in our future. I need to be practical about what I am giving up. I need to have a contingency plan if my search fails.

I feel that if you are single and you did realize that you need to do some soul searching it is perfect timing. But if you are in the age group of 20-30 then you are missing on the romance, dating and all that kind of fun which will never come back later in your life. What if I did find some thing I really like, but may be I do not have any experience in that field and I try it out for couple of years and I feel that I am not good at it then what?

Life is all about being happy. If I can find contentment in what I have and what I do I guess that is enough. Listening to my friends from the past year made me think about soul searching. But I don’t think I want to do it, at least at this point of time in my life!

Any parallels here people??

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The precariousness of life is the only unchangable thing bout its alright to be unsure...
Soul searching would b the only possible way to keep in touch with oneself,frnd... One cannot possible decide to stay away from the self...Becos if one does so..thr wud b a time when u wud need an appointment to meet the person u thought u were....Its scary...
Responsibilities chnge with time...u cn alwys get bck with life&its shit...but if u lose in touch with the "who m Is"...ur heading for hollow shit clld happiness........