Tuesday, April 1, 2008

coffee: anatomy of the soul....


That’s what could best describe the coffee from the vending machine in office. Well while most people will agree with me on the quality of coffee served out of vending machines in office, I would beg to differ as I have come across perfectly acceptable coffee in many instances in various offices I have visited during my work stint over the last 2 years. Well most people might call me a difficult person to satisfy (most people actually still do) I wasn’t always a coffee snob.

When I started drinking coffee during my MBA days in IIT Delhi (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi – for the uninitiated), I did so for purely utilitarian reasons. It was part of a desperate plan to improve my plummeting finance grades – the only subject in which I had managed to score a C in my semester. I figured that staying awake during class or maybe 6 hours before the exam, (trying to best leverage many best practices and niche strategies for solving problems at the last minute) would be a key step in this effort. It didn’t help--either with nap-prevention or with my grades. I repeated my performance again in the 3rd semester (well I was no fool with the subject – just that I hardly had any interest playing with numbers; well my math marks during school and my chemical technology days will vouch for that)

One important thing I did learn during that semester was that there are few beverages more repulsive than nestle blended apple ice-tea, which was available albeit a very short period of 6 months during my 2 years stint in IIT Delhi. To this day, whenever I get a whiff of apple ice-tea I’m hit with a sudden wave of nausea, followed by an odd compulsion to diagram Porters 5 forces model (presumably on the repulsion theory)

After my Business Administration academic years, I began my journey toward a full-fledged Sales & Marketing habit, taking tentative steps toward the grown-up world of real coffee consumption.

A good cup is an absolute must before any business interaction!!!

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